If you are setting up circle of trust for access federation, federated repositories, or configuring cross-instance authentication with access tokens and want to validate the two way trust is set up correctly, you can run the below API:
POST /api/v1/system/federation/validate_server
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -XPOST "<ART_URL_1>/access/api/v1/system/federation/validate_server" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"url\": \"<ART_URL_2>/access\"}" -v
Note that from release 7.12.0: Requires a valid admin-scoped access token.
A 204 response means that circle of trust has successfully validated
From versions 7.50 and fixed in 7.60, there is a bug where access token cross instance authentication through circle of trust will not work if the generated token is revocable. The internal JIRA is JA-3654.