Make sure that your nuget.config is pointing to the correct Artifactory instance and try to install the NuGet packages.
1. RTFACT-30271- Install the latest Nuget package that doesn't work with Remote upstream "" via Artifactory. For example, if we do not mention the specific version while installing it will fail to download as unable to find the package and result in 404 error code response.
2. RTFACT-30270- In case there is a dependency needed as part of the main package installation which is outside the Github registry. And if you create a virtual repository aggregating other remote repositories along with the github registry ( and Github feed "") it will fail to resolve Nuget dependencies.
nuget install -verbosity detailed Keyfactor.Orchestrators.Common -Version 3.2.0 -Source ArtifactoryHowever please note we have the following issues with GitHub Nuget remote registries for which respective JIRA has been raised.
1. RTFACT-30271- Install the latest Nuget package that doesn't work with Remote upstream "" via Artifactory. For example, if we do not mention the specific version while installing it will fail to download as unable to find the package and result in 404 error code response.
2. RTFACT-30270- In case there is a dependency needed as part of the main package installation which is outside the Github registry. And if you create a virtual repository aggregating other remote repositories along with the github registry ( and Github feed "") it will fail to resolve Nuget dependencies.