1. Get the group list from both on-prem and SaaS
2. Sort the two lists:
3] "diff" the two lists:
If the diff returns nothing then the permissions between your SaaS and Self Hosted are the same. There may be some minor differences in the Environment permissions.
# On-Prem Artifactory Permissions List curl -u <username> <jfrogurlSelfHosted>/artifactory/api/security/permissions | grep "name" > on-prem-perms.json # Cloud Artifactory Group List curl -u <username>:<password> <jfrogurlSaaS>/api/security/permissions | grep "name" > cloud-perms.json
2. Sort the two lists:
sort on-prem-perms.json > on-prem-groups-perms.json sort cloud-perms.json > cloud-groups-perms.json
3] "diff" the two lists:
diff on-prem-groups-perms.json cloud-groups-perms.json
If the diff returns nothing then the permissions between your SaaS and Self Hosted are the same. There may be some minor differences in the Environment permissions.