You may also wish for a more in depth programmatic way to check if the configuration transfer succeeded. With the Artifactory REST API, there are a series of curl commands you can use to check this.
The general idea is to download a list of names from both the On-Prem and the SaaS, sort them, then compare the sorted lists. You need to do the sort in order for the "diff" to work properly. If you get large diff results, double check that the sort completed successfully.
Note: Anything in <> must be replaced with your own artifactory url or credentials.
The general idea is to download a list of names from both the On-Prem and the SaaS, sort them, then compare the sorted lists. You need to do the sort in order for the "diff" to work properly. If you get large diff results, double check that the sort completed successfully.
Note: Anything in <> must be replaced with your own artifactory url or credentials.