1. Download the username list from both On-Prem and SaaS
2. Sort the two lists
3. "diff" the two files
If the diff command returns no results, it means the username lists are exactly the same for both SaaS and Self Hosted.
# On-Prem Artifactory Username List curl -u <username> <jfrogurlSelfHosted>/artifactory/api/security/users | grep "name" > on-prem-users.json # Cloud Artifactory Username List curl -u <username> <jfrogurlSaaS>/artifactory/api/security/users | grep "name" > cloud-users.json
2. Sort the two lists
sort on-prem-users.json > on-prem-users-sorted.json sort cloud-users.json > cloud-users-sorted.json
3. "diff" the two files
diff on-prem-users-sorted.json cloud-users-sorted.json
If the diff command returns no results, it means the username lists are exactly the same for both SaaS and Self Hosted.