To configure an Artfactory PyPi remote repository to proxy a local Nexus PyPi Repository please follow these steps:
- Create a new remote PyPi repository
- Configure the URL as follows: “https://$<NEXUS_URL>/repository/$<NEXUS_REPOSITORY_NAME>
- Configure the “Registry URL” with the same URL
- If credentials are required to resolve from the remote repository, configure them as well. If anonymous access is enabled, the credentials can be left blank.
If the repository was previously configured differently, delete the remote cache as some of the metadata files might be corrupted.
To troubleshoot and inspect the outgoing requests, you may search the “artifactory-request-out.log” for the remote repository name.
The log file is located under the Artifactory log directory. The default location is “/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/log”