From Artifactory v7.63.2 and Distribution v2.19.1, the distribution of Release Bundles v2 became available.
In this article, I will walk through the steps on how to create a Release Bundle V2.
- Create a GPG key following instructions here - Generate GPG Keys
- Once it’s created, upload this GPG key to Artifactory | Security | Keys Management -> Add Keys -> GPG Keys. Instructions can be found here - Upload GPG Keys
3. Then Propagate Public Signing Key . For example:
curl -XPOST https://[ARTIFACTORY_URL]/lifecycle/api/v2/distribution/key/propagate/mygpgkey -uadmin:password
4. Create a Release Bundle V2 using the GPG key created above. For example:
curl --location 'https://[ARTIFACTORY_URL]/lifecycle/api/v2/release_bundle?project=default&async=false' --header 'X-JFrog-Signing-Key-Name: mygpgkey' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer [my_access_token]' --data '{ "release_bundle_name": "v2bundle", "release_bundle_version": "1", "source_type": "artifacts", "source": { "artifacts": [ { "path": "gen-local/testfile.txt", "sha256": "6204006b1934927de462fc34abaabadb6a1a5d6c0322b1c4390ff0c5a3f0e7dc" } ] } }
5. Then, we can see that the release bundle v2 is successfully created: