We understand that calculating a deduplicated size of the artifacts in a repo can be useful and we can make that happen using the AQL/SQL.
For example, the Python3 script in this KB (Why the storage info REST API account duplicate docker layers and how we can avoid it?)(Set the base_url & auth first), will get you the size of each repo if each checksum is counted once and print out the results.
If you don't understand the python script, you can get the same result using the Linux Shell, docker-local is the repository name in this example:
For example, the Python3 script in this KB (Why the storage info REST API account duplicate docker layers and how we can avoid it?)(Set the base_url & auth first), will get you the size of each repo if each checksum is counted once and print out the results.
If you don't understand the python script, you can get the same result using the Linux Shell, docker-local is the repository name in this example:
$ curl -XGET -uadmin:'password' 'http://192.168.xx.xx:8082/artifactory/api/storage/docker-local?list&deep=1&listFolders=0&mdTimestamps=0' |jq -r '.files | .[] | "\(.sha1), \(.size)"' |sort |uniq |awk '{sum += $2} END {print sum, "byes."}'