If your license/license Bucket has reached the expiration date, you will see the license expiry banner on top of the Artifactory UI.
If the License has expired, Artifactory may restrict certain features and functionalities based on your license. Features that are part of a paid license may become unavailable or limited when the license expires. The following are the common activities that would be blocked:
1. Upload and Download artifacts to Artifactory will be blocked: You would observe the below error
Logs -
2023-09-29T07:19:10.368Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [5e2fb140ec6b6352] [.r.ArtifactoryResponseBase:144] [http-nio-8081-exec-1] - Sending HTTP error code 503: Trial license expired!
UI -
2. Download from the Artifactory will work in Offline mode. By saying that, you may only be able to download the artifacts that are already cached in the remote-repository cache before the License expires.
3. Push and Pull replication would fail if the target Artifactory used an expired license.
4. Xray functionality would be on hold till the new license was stored.