If you encounter any difficulties during the automatic migration to S3, you may also try to migrate manually following the steps in the JFrog Documentation.
When you perform manual migration you must stop Artifactory, manually copy the filestore from its current location to the S3 Bucket, configure binarystore.xml using one of our s3 template, and then restart Artifactory.
You can copy the files and store them in the bucket with AWS CLI.
You can check the transfer was successful by downloading an artifact from Artifactory after performing the migration.
When you perform manual migration you must stop Artifactory, manually copy the filestore from its current location to the S3 Bucket, configure binarystore.xml using one of our s3 template, and then restart Artifactory.
You can copy the files and store them in the bucket with AWS CLI.
You can check the transfer was successful by downloading an artifact from Artifactory after performing the migration.