- In the Live Artifactory instance UI, navigate to Administration -> Platform Management - > Registered JPDs -> New Platform Deployments.
Enter the below details in it:-
- The name of the Cold Artifactory instance.
- Location in which Cold Artifactory instance is present.
- Provide the Cold Artifactory JFrog platform URL and click on Get Server Details button.
- Provide the Pairing token(For more details on how to get it, please navigate to Point 2).
- Provide Tags for Cold Artifactory instance
2. In the Cold Artifactory instance UI, generate a Pairing Token for Mission Control by navigating to Administration -> User Management -> Access Tokens -> Generate token -> Pairing token -> Mission control. Click on Generate Token.
3. Copy the generated Pairing Token and paste it to the Artifactory Live instance in the New Platform Deployments -> Pairing Token field and click on Add. We will see that the new JPD has been added in the Artifactory Live instance.