When we create a remote repository, some remote repositories show the list of artifacts that are available in upstream registry and some do not show the list of artifacts even if artifacts are available in upstream.
The upstream registry artifacts will be visible in Artifactory remote repository when only upstream registry supports content browsing. If upstream registry does not support content browsing, Artifactory remote repository displays no artifacts, however we will be able to resolve the artifacts.
For example, a maven remote repository lists the contents in tree browser as below which is pointing to https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
An Alpine remote repository lists the contents as below which is pointing to http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine
Below are the package types that support remote repository listing which are pointing the default upstream registries as of today.
Debian, Alpine, Conda, Gradle, Gems, Ivy, Opkg, Pub, Rpm, Sbt, Cargo.
Below are the package types that does not support remote repository listing which are pointing the default upstream registries.
cocoapods, Nuget, Docker, Nuget, Bower, Chef, Conan, Cran, Go, Npm, Php, Puppet, Pypi, terraform