To get Access Federation and Repository Federation to work on 2 or more Artifactory clusters while using the same Base URL, you need to set things up just right.
While the <federatedRepoUrlBase> XML tag is another method to setting up Federated Repositories with a Geo-LB, other features such as Release Bundles and Access Federation would also require custom changes. The steps below achieve a full solution with a more straightforward method.
The guide below goes over how you're supposed to properly set up two or more HA clusters to communicate internally while using a proper external URL.
Here's the setup as a diagram:
The overall idea is to set the Override Base URL header for users going through the Geo-LB, while underneath the system still uses separate Custom Base URL settings to talk to one another. This Override header affects all of the aspects of the Artifactory application:
- Redirects
- Download URLs in the UI
- Metadata and metadata URLs
- The "Set Me Up" panel