To resolve this issue, you can either move unused files (e.g. from the above files list, you can remove old yaml files, large files like describe.txt that’s not needed for deployment) out of the Chart directory or use the .helmignore file. The .helmignore file is in the Chart root directory. You can create one if it’s not there already. Here is an example of the .helmignore file,
With this file specified in the Chart directory, Helm will ignore all the files that match the pattern specified in the file while packaging your application.
# Match any file or path named .helmignore .helmignore # Match any file or path named .git .git # Match any text file *.txt # Match only directories named mydir mydir/ # Match only text files in the top-level directory /*.txt # Match only the file foo.txt in the top-level directory /foo.txt # Match any file named ab.txt, ac.txt, or ad.txt a[b-d].txt # Match any file under subdir matching temp* */temp* */*/temp* temp?
With this file specified in the Chart directory, Helm will ignore all the files that match the pattern specified in the file while packaging your application.