Using local EBS caches

How do I use Amazon Elastic Filesystem (EFS) with Artifactory HA

JFrog Support

You can use local EBS caches on Artifactory node instances. This option reduces workload on the EFS filestore, and the use of the burst credit balance when in Bursting Throughput mode.  Configure Artifactory to use a cache in EBS on each node. These local cache stores artifacts on each individual node and serves them directly to the client instead of pulling them from EFS. Each node may have duplicate cache entries (since any node can serve any request) but this greatly reduces the access to EFS. It’s important to consider that this same mechanism can also be used to enhance performance if S3 is being used as the binary store. This method may allow you to utilize the bursting capability more often, but should still only be used when the baseline throughput is at a reasonable value. In particular, bear in mind that when a cache is implemented, it must FIRST be streamed into the cache at the EFS speed, and then sent out, so if the EFS is running very slow due to exhaustion of burst credit balance, this may result in client timeouts. If you find that you are running into burst credit balance limits or are experiencing client timeouts, you should switch to Provisioned Throughput mode to increase available throughput from EFS.

For example, if a file was downloaded 1000 times without a local cache, EFS would have the download activity of 1000 * filesize. But, with local cache enabled, it may end up being just 2 * filesize.  The EBS cache is recommended to be persisted (non-ephemeral), if you do not want to have to refill it when a new instance is created.  For more information about configuring a cachefs, see the notes on configuring the filestore in the binarystore.xml file.