Navigate to $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/conf/ folder
Edit the “server.xml” file to modify the port number from 8081 to 8080
In order to change Artifactory’s port number to 8080 it would be required to change the line:
Edit the “server.xml” file to modify the port number from 8081 to 8080
In order to change Artifactory’s port number to 8080 it would be required to change the line:
<Connector port="8081" sendReasonPhrase="true" relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]' maxThreads="200"/>To
<Connector port="8080" sendReasonPhrase="true" relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]' maxThreads="200"/>Restart Artifactory to apply the changes.