2. Import public key using
$ gpg --import public.key
3. Import private key using
$ gpg --import private.key
4. Get the public key id:
$ gpg --list-keys pub rsa2048 2018-04-28 [SC] [expired: 2020-04-27] 45E51D7FCBB41DB20F320B3935027CAC83A95B6C uid [ expired] paul pan <paulp@jfrog.com>
5. Edit public key
$ gpg --edit-key 45E51D7FCBB41DB20F320B3935027CAC83A95B6C
6. You should have entered the gpg shell by now. Use numbers to select the key you want to edited or run list to see all the keys. Enter 0 from primary key
gpg> list gpg> key 0
7. Once the key is elected, run expire command to change the expiration date
gpg> expire
8. Save changes
gpg> save
9. Upload the public key back to Artifactory. You don't have to change private key since private key does not expire.
To restore passphrase for your gpg key pair.
10. Run this API the decrypt your system
$ curl -uadmin:password -X POST https://<Your_host>/artifactory/api/system/decrypt
11. Check config descriptors in UI ( Admin -> Artifactory -> Config Descriptor ) or $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/artifactory/artifactory.config.latest.xml
Look for <passphrase> under <keyPair> section.
12. Save the passphrase and run encrypt api to encrypt your system again
$ curl -uadmin:password -X POST https://<Your_host>/artifactory/api/system/encrypt