Due Diligence Licenses Advanced Filters

JFrog Security Documentation

JFrog Xray
Content Type
User Guide

To filter out the licenses information you would like to see in the report, you can set advanced filters. Here are a few examples of how you can filter data:

Example 1: Filter by licenses in specific components.


Example 2: Filter by licenses, in specific components and artifacts that were scanned within a time range.


Example 3: Filter for licenses by using a pattern.


Example 4: Filter licenses in components

Unknown Licenses: View licenses in the report that are either known or unknown in Xray components. Unknown displays the components that Xray could not discover any licenses for.Found but Unrecognized: View licenses in the report that are either recognized or unrecgonzied. Unrecognized displays the components that Xray found licenses for, but these licenses are not Xray recognized licenses.
