The section reviews the available scope types when configuring an Xray report, as described in Create an Xray Report. The following scope types are available:
Repositories Scope
Builds Scope
Release Bundles Scope
Projects Scope
Repositories Scope
Select the repositories you would like to view information for in the report. You can narrow select specific repositories and include/exclude patterns to filter out specific repositories. In each field, you can specify a list of Ant-like patterns to filter in and filter out artifact queries. Filtering works by subtracting the excluded patterns (default is none) from the included patterns (default is all).
Consider that the Include Patterns and Exclude Patterns for a repository are as follows:
Include Patterns: org/apache/**,com/acme/** Exclude Patterns: com/acme/exp-project/**
In this case, the repository is searched for org/apache/maven/parent/1/1.pom
and com/acme/project-x/core/1.0/nit-1.0.jar
but not for com/acme/exp-project/core/1.1/san-1.1.jar
because com/acme/exp-project/**
is specified as an Exclude pattern.
Builds Scope
Select the build you would like to view information for in the report. You can select builds by name or by pattern.
Filter your builds selection by patterns, or select to view only the latest. You can also select the number of latest build versions. The default is 1 and you can set to any number to display the latest build versions.
Release Bundles Scope
Select the release bundles you would like to view information for in the report. The selection of the release bundles scope is the same as the builds scope selection.
Projects Scope
For Xray version 3.27.2 and above with Artifactory version 7.21.2 and above. Only for Enterprise and Enterprise+ subscription types with Projects.
For Global Reports when in the context of All in Projects, you can select the projects you would like to view information for in the report. You can select projects by name or by project keys pattern.