The "non-cluster" template and how it works

What is the difference between "s3" and "cluster-s3" filestore chains?

Ariel Kabov
<chain template="s3"/>

The "s3" chain stands for the following configuration:
    <chain template="s3">
        <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">
            <provider id="eventual" type="eventual">
                <provider id="retry" type="retry">
                    <provider id="s3" type="s3"/>

As mentioned above, when the non-cluster template is used in an HA cluster, a shared mount is required between all HA nodes to share the Artifactory “data” directory.
The shared “data” directory has to be configured in the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/

The template above configures 4 layers of storage providers.
  1. Cache-FS - Should not be shared, in order to assure good performance for frequent artifacts.
  2. Eventual - Being created in the configured “” and is the shared layer between all cluster nodes. The “eventual” directory contains 3 subdirectories: “_pre”, “_add”, “_delete”. Those folders are practically the queues of events which should be transmitted to the next provider, the cloud storage provider. 
  3. Retry - Responsible for “retry” events in case of failures.
  4. S3 - The cloud storage provider.
When a non-cluster template is being used, the primary node is responsible to dispatch the events from the “Eventual” folder to the S3 bucket.
Therefore his up-time is important to make sure the “Eventual” folder does not grow out of control.

Upon Downloading
  1. The node which received the download request will first check if the file is available in the Cache-FS layer. 
  2. If not available, he will check if the file exists in the Eventual folder. 
  3. Else, he will proceed to download the file from the cloud provider, and then provide it to the client. 
Direct Cloud Storage will allow you to skip the part where Artifactory downloads the file from the cloud storage and then serves it to the client.

Upon Uploading
  1. The node which received the upload request will stream the file to the eventual “_pre” folder. 
  2. Once the node has fully received the file, it will move the file from “_pre” to “_add”, and only then close the upload request. As the file reaches the “_add” folder, it is available to download for all other HA members. 
  3. The primary node checks if there are any new files to be handled in the “eventual” folder, and eventually will upload the file to S3.

Best Practices:
  • A large local Cache-FS partition is important to assure frequent artifacts are served as quickly as possible.
  • Primary node uptime is required for artifacts to be uploaded to S3.
  • Monitoring the number of files at the “eventual” subfolders is important, so in case of a failure, you as an administrator are notified in time. 

binarystore.xml example:
<config version="v1">
    <chain template="s3">
        <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">
            <provider id="eventual" type="eventual">
                <provider id="retry" type="retry">
                    <provider id="s3" type="s3"/>

    <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs">

<provider id="eventual" type="eventual">

    <provider id="retry" type="retry">

    <provider id="s3" type="s3">
       <identity>[ENTER IDENTITY HERE]</identity>
       <credential>[ENTER CREDENTIALS HERE]</credential>
       <path>[ENTER PATH HERE]</path>
       <bucketName>[ENTER BUCKET NAME HERE]</bucketName>
