Relevant versions: This information pertains to Artifactory versions 6 and 7.
You might encounter this issue during one of these scenarios:
- When the license file in your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder has been modified/deleted
- When trying to upgrade Artifactory with expired license keys
- When performing a DR backup/restore process and the license file may get missed
[localhost-startStop-2] WARN org.artifactory.addon.ConverterBlockerImpl - No valid installed license found. Blocking conversion [localhost-startStop-2] ERROR org.artifactory.converter.ConvertersManagerImpl - Conversion failed. You should analyze the error and retry launching Artifactory. Error is: Converter can't run since no matching license found, please add new license |
This indicates that the license file (artifactory.lic) is not available or missing from the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder (or, in the case of an HA cluster, from artifactory.cluster.license).
To overcome this issue, do the following:
- Navigate to the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder and, if it doesn't already exist, create an empty file named artifactory.lic (for a standalone instance) or artifactory.cluster.license (for an HA cluster).
- Manually place the license keys in the same format in the created file.
- Be certain that your license file is owned by artifactory $ sudo chown artifactory:artifactory artifactory.lic $ sudo chown artifactory:artifactory $ARTIFACTORY_HOME%/var/data/artifactory.
- Restart Artifactory.
Published: June 24, 2020
Last updated: May 14, 2021