What to Do When an Artifactory Start Produces a No valid installed license found. Blocking conversion Error

What to Do When an Artifactory Start Produces a No valid installed license found. Blocking conversion Error

Vignesh Surendrababu

Relevant versions: This information pertains to Artifactory versions 6 and 7.

You might encounter this issue during one of these scenarios:

  • When the license file in your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder has been modified/deleted
  • When trying to upgrade Artifactory with expired license keys
  • When performing a DR backup/restore process and the license file may get missed 
[localhost-startStop-2] WARN org.artifactory.addon.ConverterBlockerImpl - No valid installed license found. Blocking conversion
[localhost-startStop-2] ERROR org.artifactory.converter.ConvertersManagerImpl - Conversion failed. You should analyze the error and retry launching Artifactory. Error is: Converter can't run since no matching license found, please add new license

This indicates that the license file (artifactory.lic) is not available or missing from the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder (or, in the case of an HA cluster, from artifactory.cluster.license).

To overcome this issue, do the following:
  1. Navigate to the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc folder and, if it doesn't already exist, create an empty file named artifactory.lic (for a standalone instance) or artifactory.cluster.license (for an HA cluster).
  2. Manually place the license keys in the same format in the created file.
  3. Be certain that your license file is owned by artifactory $ sudo chown artifactory:artifactory artifactory.lic $ sudo chown artifactory:artifactory $ARTIFACTORY_HOME%/var/data/artifactory.
  4. Restart Artifactory.
Note: From Artifactory version 7, the license file (artifactory.lic or artifactory.cluster.license) will be located under $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory folder

Published: June 24, 2020
Last updated: May 14, 2021