Managing RabbitMQ logs is essential to prevent log files from growing excessively large, which can lead to disk space issues and challenges in managing the log data. RabbitMQ provides built-in methods for efficient log rotation. This article explains how to configure log rotation for RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ Log Rotation Methods
RabbitMQ supports two types of built-in log rotation:
1. Periodic Rotation (Time-based)
You can configure periodic log rotation by adding the following settings to the rabbitmq.conf file located at /opt/jfrog/xray/app/bin/rabbitmq directory:
# Rotate logs nightly at midnight log.file.rotation.date = $D0 # Retain up to 5 archived log files log.file.rotation.count = 5 # Compress archived log files log.file.rotation.compress = true
Alternative Periodic Rotation Example:
# Rotate logs daily at 11:00 PM log.file.rotation.date = $D23 # Retain up to 5 archived log files log.file.rotation.count = 5 # Compress archived log files log.file.rotation.compress = true
- log.file.rotation.date specifies the rotation schedule using $D<time> format, where <time> is in a 24-hour clock format.
- This option cannot be combined with size-based rotation (log.file.rotation.size).
2. File Size-based Rotation
To rotate log files based on size, update the rabbitmq.conf file as follows:
# Rotate logs when the file reaches 10 MiB log.file.rotation.size = 10485760 # Retain up to 5 archived log files log.file.rotation.count = 5 # Compress archived log files log.file.rotation.compress = true
- log.file.rotation.size defines the maximum log file size (in bytes) before rotation occurs.
- This option cannot be combined with time-based rotation (log.file.rotation.date).
Applying the Configuration
After making the changes to the rabbitmq.conf file, reboot the server(this will restart both Rabbitmq and Xray) to apply the updated log rotation settings.