Description: Compare Builds - Compares two builds and produces the difference between them.
Security: Requires a valid user with the "Read" permission.
Usage: POST /dependencyGraph/buildDelta
Consumes: application/json
Produces: application/json
Request body:
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
| string | required | The name of the first instance |
| string | required | The name of the first build |
| string | required | The number of the first build |
| string | required | The name of the second instance |
| string | required | The name of the second build |
| string | required | The number of the second build |
Response body:
Name | Type | Description |
| object | Details of the first build we are comparing |
| object | Details of the second build we are comparing |
| array | Components only found in the first build |
| array | Components only found in the second build |
| array | Components found in both builds with no differences |
source_build and target_build Objects:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | The name of the build |
| string | The path of the build |
| string | Package type of the build |
| string | SHA256 checksum of the build |
| string | The ID of the build component |
Component Objects (found in removed, added, and unchanged arrays):
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Name of the component |
| string | ID of the component |
| string | Package type of the component |
| string | Version of the component |
| string | Creation date of the component (ISO8601 format) |
| string | Modification date of the component (ISO8601 format) |
Sample Usage: POST /dependencyGraph/buildDelta
Request Body
{ "source_artifactory_id":"my-instance", "source_build_name":"someOriginBuild", "source_build_number":"111", "target_artifactory_id":"my-instance", "target_build_name":"someTargetBuild", "target_build_number":"222", }
Sample Response
{ "source_build":{ "name": "my-build", "path": "art2/ext-release-local/", "pkg_type": "Generic", "sha256": "d160c68ed8879ae42756e159daec1dd7ecfd53b6192321656b72715e20d46dd2", "component_id": "gav://" }, "target_build":{ "name": "my-build", "path": "art2/ext-release-local/", "pkg_type": "Generic", "sha256": "d160c68ed8879ae42756e159daec1dd7ecfd53b6192321656b72715e20d46dd2", "component_id": "gav://" }, " removed":[ { "component_name":"some-component-1.1", "component_id":"pip://some-component:1.1", "package_type":"pip", "version":"1.1", "created":"2008-06-09T16:50:19Z", "modified":"2015-07-26T17:49:47Z" } ], "added":[ { "component_name":"Jinja2.7.2", "component_id":"pip://Jinja2:2.7.2", "package_type":"pip", "version":"2.7.2", "created":"2008-06-09T16:50:19Z", "modified":"2015-07-26T17:49:47Z" } ], "unchanged":[ { "component_name":"Apache1.4", "component_id":"gav://apache:1.4", "package_type":"maven", "version":"1.4", "created":"2008-06-09T16:50:19Z", "modified":"2015-07-26T17:49:47Z" } ] }
Response Codes
Response Codes | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | The build with the provided identifier doesn't exist or isn't indexed in Xray |
401 | Bad credentials |
415 | Failed to parse request |