

JFrog Xray
Content Type

Description: Get system metrics data.

Since: 3.8

Security: Requires an admin user. Available only for on-prem customers.

Usage: GET api/v1/metrics

Sample Usage

# HELP app_disk_used_bytes Used bytes for app home directory disk device
# TYPE app_disk_used_bytes gauge
app_disk_used_bytes 3.47563655168e+11 1594190659312
# HELP app_disk_free_bytes Free bytes for app home directory disk device
# TYPE app_disk_free_bytes gauge
app_disk_free_bytes 1.38795900928e+11 1594190659312
# HELP app_self_metrics_calc_seconds Total time to collect all metrics
# TYPE app_self_metrics_calc_seconds gauge
app_self_metrics_calc_seconds 0.052461418 1594190659312
# HELP app_self_metrics_total Count of collected metrics
# TYPE app_self_metrics_total gauge
app_self_metrics_total 17 1594190659312
# HELP db_connection_pool_in_use_total The number of connections currently in use
# TYPE db_connection_pool_in_use_total gauge
db_connection_pool_in_use_total 0 1594190659312
# HELP db_connection_pool_idle_total The number of idle connections
# TYPE db_connection_pool_idle_total gauge
db_connection_pool_idle_total 5 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes Process go heap bytes in use
# TYPE go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes gauge
go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes 5.7597952e+07 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes Process go heap allocated bytes
# TYPE go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes gauge
go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes 5.3492992e+07 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Process go heap idle bytes
# TYPE go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes gauge
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes 7.4129408e+07 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_heap_objects_total Process go heap number of objects
# TYPE go_memstats_heap_objects_total gauge
go_memstats_heap_objects_total 426224 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes Process go heap reserved bytes
# TYPE go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes gauge
go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes 1.3172736e+08 1594190659312
# HELP go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio Process go cpu used by gc. value is between 0 and 1
# TYPE go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio gauge
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio 2.103941598027732e-05 1594190659312
# TYPE sys_cpu_ratio gauge
sys_cpu_ratio 0.2537313432835821 1594190659312
# HELP sys_load_1 Host load average in the last minute
sys_load_1 2.91 1594190659312
# HELP sys_load_5 Host load average in the last 5 minutes
sys_load_5 4.22 1594190659312
# HELP sys_load_15 Host load average in the last 15 minutes
sys_load_15 3.9 1594190659312
# HELP sys_memory_used_bytes Host used virtual memory
# TYPE sys_memory_used_bytes gauge
sys_memory_used_bytes 1.0906873856e+10 1594190659312
# HELP sys_memory_free_bytes Host free virtual memory
# TYPE sys_memory_free_bytes gauge
sys_memory_free_bytes 2.051506176e+09 1594190659312 
# HELP jfxr_db_sync_started_before_seconds Seconds that passed since the last Xray DB sync started running
jfxr_db_sync_started_before_seconds 1730.505649843 1612187458132
# HELP jfxr_db_sync_running_total DB sync total running time
jfxr_db_sync_running_total 0 1623046336551
# HELP jfxr_db_sync_ended_analyze_before_seconds Seconds that passed since DB sync completed sending all impact analysis messages
jfxr_db_sync_ended_analyze_before_seconds 140274.549095 1623046336551
# HELP jfxr_db_sync_ended_persist_before_seconds Seconds that passed since completed persisting new updates to the database
jfxr_db_sync_ended_persist_before_seconds 140274.549095 1623046336551
# HELP jfxr_data_artifacts_total{package_type="deb"} Total number of Xray scanned artifacts by package type
jfxr_data_artifacts_total{package_type="deb"} 1 1612187458132
# HELP jfxr_data_components_total{package_type="go"} Total number of Xray scanned components by package type
jfxr_data_components_total{package_type="go"} 1 1612187458132
# HELP jfxr_performance_server_up_time_seconds Seconds that passed since Xray server has started on the particular node
jfxr_performance_server_up_time_seconds 1730.505649843 1612187458132